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Street Play (100)

Genre : Theatre Arts

Description :

Street Play is an event where actors present a play in outdoor public spaces, with no specific target audience.

No. of teams per IIT :


No of participants per team :


Time Limit :

30 minutes (from empty stage to empty stage)*

Rules :

  1. The act should be either in English or Hindi or both. Both original and adapted scripts are allowed.

  2. Exact copying of scenes will be considered plagiarism, and the penalization will be left to judges’ discretion.

  3. Modification and adaptation of other plays (with proper credits), and performance of any past production by the IIT in question, is allowed.

  4. The judge's decision is final and binding

  5. The time expended because of applause interruption will not be added to the play time.

  6. Obscenity of any kind that is harmful to the interests or beliefs of specific but not limited to social, economic, religious, gender or political groups is strictly punishable and can lead to disqualification of the IIT. In case of dispute, the decision of the judge will be final.

Penalty :

Deduction of 5 marks per minute after the 30th minute After 35 minutes, the team will be asked to leave the stage along with a penalty of 30 marks.

Judging Criteria :

  • Script and Originality - 20%
  • Acting, Energy, and Voice - 40%
  • Direction and coherence in implementation - 20%
  • Creativity and Overall Impact - 20%

Stage Dimensions :

A 30 X 30 ft performance area will be provided.

*An ‘empty stage’ is stipulated as the requirement for a team member to ensure that they retrieve all items they bring onto the stage upon their departure from it.

Judges for the Event :

Adnan Khurram

Adnan Khurram

Md Shiraz Alam

Md Shiraz Alam