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Stage Play (100)

Genre : Theatre Arts

Description :

Stage play is an event where participants put up a play that is up to 75 minutes long from empty stage to empty stage (wings excluded).

No. of teams per IIT :


No of participants per team :

30 (including backstage/crew members)

Time Limit :

45-75 minutes (from empty stage to empty stage). Each team will get a 30-minute practice time. The same will be communicated with the Contingent Leaders.

Rules :

  1. The play should only be in English or Hindi or both, but a few words (Including slang) of other languages are allowed.

  2. Both original and adapted scripts are allowed.

  3. The details of the play need to be sent by the deadline 11:59pm, 16th December, 2023. The details include - (The title of the play, Approximate duration, Requirements from the host institute (subject to availability), If self-written, credits to the playwrights and/or plays whose material has been used. The subject line would be as per the common format STAGEPLAY_IITNAME)

  4. Use of flammable substances or liquids is strictly prohibited. In case of special liquid requirements with the context of the play is absolutely necessary, then an exception may be made under the discretion of the organising team. The Organising Team must be informed at least 2 days prior to the performance.

  5. Original script or an original adaptation of a playwright’s script is allowed, and will be judged equally (only based on performance).

  6. Vulgarity is strictly prohibited and can lead to disqualification.

  7. Obscenity of any kind that is harmful to the interests or beliefs of specific but not limited to social, economic, religious, gender or political groups is strictly punishable and can lead to disqualification of the IIT. In case of dispute, the decision of the judge will be final.

  8. The time expended because of applause interruption will not be added to the play timing.

  9. Any damage caused to the stage will result in a 30% penalty.

  10. Performances exceeding the time limit will be penalised.

  11. Judges' decisions are final and binding.

Penalty :

  • Deduction of 5 marks per minute after 75th minute.
  • After 80 minutes, the team will be disqualified but they may continue their performance

Judging Criteria :

  • Script and Direction (Plot, Character definition, Dialogues, Originality) - 35%
  • Acting - 35%
  • Lights and Music - 15%
  • Creativity and Stage Setting/Design - 10%
  • Overall Impact - 5%

Auditorium :

Stage Play

Stage Play will take place in Kalidas Auditorium. The dimensions (in metres) for the same are as mentioned above.

Judges for the Event :

Rishi Kumar Yadav

Rishi Kumar Yadav

Talha Thakur

Talha Thakur