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Mono-Acting (30)

Genre : Theatre Arts

Description :

Mono acting is an event where a monologue is delivered by a single actor.

No. of teams per IIT :


No of participants per team :

1 actor, maximum 4 background members

Time Limit :

5-10 minutes (from empty stage to empty stage)

Rules :

  1. The act has to be in English or Hindi or both. Few words of any other language are allowed.

  2. Any props required for the act must be brought by the participants. Any other requirements have to be informed beforehand, and are subject to availability.

  3. Vulgarity is strictly prohibited and can lead to disqualification.

  4. Obscenity of any kind that is harmful to the interests or beliefs of specific but not limited to social, economic, religious, gender or political groups is strictly punishable and can lead to disqualification of the IIT. In case of dispute, the decision of the judge will be final.

  5. Performances exceeding the time limit may be penalized.

Penalty :

  • Deduction of 5 marks per minute after the 10th minute.
  • After 13 minutes, the team will be disqualified and will be asked to leave the stage.

Judging Criteria :

  • Script and Direction(Plot, Character definition, Dialogues, Originality) - 25%
  • Acting - 40%
  • Lights and Music - 15%
  • Creativity and Overall Impact - 20%

Auditorium :


MonoActing will take place in SN Bose Auditorium. The dimensions(in metres) for the same are as mentioned above.

Judges for the Event :

Rishi Kumar Yadav

Rishi Kumar Yadav

Talha Thakur

Talha Thakur