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Stand Up (30)

Genre : Speaking Arts

Description :

Individual event in which participants have to perform Stand Up Comedy in front of an audience

No. of teams per IIT :


No of participants per team :


Time Limit :

6-8 minutes

Rules :

  1. Participants have to prepare a set that is to be performed in front of the live audience

  2. Any plagiarism will lead to immediate disqualification. Any form of pre-recorded music is not allowed during performance.

  3. Props are allowed but carry no weightage. Participants can use it to enhance their performance.

  4. Visual aids (slides/videos/pictures) are not to be used

  5. The performance must be delivered in only English or Hindi. Obscenity and vulgarity are left to judges' discretion.

Penalty :

  • Exceeding the time limit will cause deduction of 5 marks per minute.
  • After 10 minutes, the participant will be asked to leave the stage along with a penalty of 10 marks.

Judging Criteria :

  • Humorous content (Premises, punchlines etc.) - 30%
  • Content Delivery (Orator-ship) - 30%
  • Stage Presence + Audience Engagement - 20%
  • Overall Impact - 20%

Judges for the Event :

Pritam Goswami

Pritam Goswami