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Scrabble (30)

Genre : Literary Arts

Description :

A Scrabble tournament where players battle it out over multiple rounds of games to crown the ultimate Scrabble Champions. Games will happen on physical Scrabble boards.

No. of participants per IIT :


Time Limit :

44 minutes per game

Rules :

  1. Games will be 1v1, with all players playing all rounds of the tournament. The final results will be based on the cumulative wins over all rounds (Player will get 1 point for every win, 0 for every loss and 0.5 in the case of a bye for each game).

  2. Time limit for each game: 40 (+4 overtime) minutes (20 (+2 overtime) per side). Things like arranging tiles, time for totaling, etc. are not counted in the 15 minutes. Going over the time limit will automatically award the win to the opponent (Time forfeit).

  3. Upon entering each minute of overtime, 10 points are deducted from the player’s score. If the player reaches the end of the second minute of overtime, they lose by time forfeit.

  4. Collin’s Scrabble Words 2021 (CSW-21) dictionary will be used.

  5. Matches are not void. You can challenge your opponent’s play. Any play may be challenged before the next player starts a turn. If the play challenged is unacceptable, the challenged player takes back their tiles and loses that turn. If the play challenged is acceptable, the challenger loses their next turn. Consult the dictionary for challenges only. All words made in one play are challenged simultaneously. If any word is unacceptable, then the entire play is unacceptable. Only one turn is lost on any challenge.

Judging Criteria :

We will be following the official Scrabble rules as detailed in this link: All disputes will be settled by the Tournament Director, who will have the final word on disputes.

Judges for the Event :

Arindam Basu

Arindam Basu