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English Poetry Writing (30)

Genre : Literary Arts

Description :

A Theme-based individual event where participants will write a poetry in English based on given prompts.

No. of teams per IIT :


No of participants per team :


Time Limit :

2 hrs

Rules :

  1. The word limit is 100-250 words.

  2. Entries should have a title

  3. This will be a theme-based writing competition where the theme will be provided on the spot and the participants must come up with the poem in the given time.

  4. The poem should be an original work of the participant.

  5. Plagiarism of any kind is not allowed.

  6. The poem should originally be in English only

  7. No participant will be allowed to enter the hall after 15 mins from the competition start timing.

  8. Illustrations such as graphs and sketches are not allowed.

  9. Any form of vulgarity/obscenity in content will be dealt with very strictly. The participant’s entry may be disqualified from the competition. It will be left to the judge's discretion.

  10. A zero percent relevance to theme will lead to disqualification.

Judging Criteria :

  • Poem Structure and Complexity - 25%
  • Creativity and Content - 30%
  • Relevance to theme - 25%
  • Overall Impact - 20%

Judges for the Event :

Ruchira Mandal

Ruchira Mandal

Argha Kumar Banerjee

Argha Kumar Banerjee