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Online Short Filmmaking Competition (100)

Genre : Filmmaking Arts

Description :

An online short filmmaking competition

No. of teams per IIT :


No of participants per team :

No limit

Time Limit :

4-15mins (credits included)

Submission Deadline :

11:59 pm IST, 24th December, 2023

Submisson :

Final movie, some major raw shots used to make the final movie (the host institute reserves the right to ask for specific raw shots if needed)

Rules :

  1. There is no limit on the number of cast and crew members.

  2. A synopsis of not more than 100 words must be submitted. Penalty of (5 or 10) points on failing to do so

  3. Use of copied lyrical music is not allowed and its usage would lead to a penalty of 5-10 points.

  4. The content of the movie should be appropriate for public screening and thus should have no kind of vulgarity or obscenity. Entries will be screened in reverse order of submission (The entry submitted first will be screened last).

  5. Subtitles are compulsory in case of usage of languages other than English. It is optional for English.

  6. The movie must not suggest in any way (explicitly, or implicitly) the name of the IIT that made it.

  7. Subtitles are required in case of usage of languages other than English/Hindi. If a small section uses some other language, then please add subtitles even for that. A penalty of 10 marks will be imposed in the final judging sheet if this is not followed.

  8. Stock footage or footage used that have not been shot by the College members for the particular movie must be given due credit in the movie or credits. You need to submit the link of any such stock footage used at the time of submission. There is a limit of 20% on using stock footage. If any of the above rules are not followed, a penalty of 20 marks will be imposed in the final judging sheet.

  9. Please carry footage in a hard disk while coming for the compe1tition.

  10. The video should be shot only after launch, 1st December 2023. If some allegations for violating this rule are raised against any entry, you will have to provide enough proof. Failure to do so may lead to disqualification.

  11. You are free to use a song, an instrumental or a mix of different background sounds/music as the background score for your film. You need to provide proper credits in case you use someone else’s creation. An Original Poem or Original Compositions (a music made especially for the movie) are allowed and appreciated. A penalty of 8 marks will be imposed in the final judging sheet if credits are not provided in the video credits in such a case.

Penalty :

5 marks will be deducted for every hour exceeded after the deadline. No submissions will be accepted after 12 PM. the following day.

Judging Criteria :

  • Screenplay & acting - 25%
  • Cinematography & Direction - 30%
  • Editing (also includes background score, sound design, Foley, VFX etc.) - 25%
  • Production - 10%
  • Overall Impact (overall vibes from the film etc.) - 10%

Judges for the Event :

Samarth Mahajan

Samarth Mahajan