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Online Modelling Competition (30)

Genre : Fashion

Number of Submissons per IIT :


Theme :

Theme will be announced on 1st December, 2023

Submission Deadline :

11:59 pm IST, 24th December, 2023

Rules :

  1. Participants are expected to upload EXACTLY 5 editorials in jpg format

  2. Photographs must contain EXIF data. Will be disqualified if not followed.

  3. Participants must also submit both raw images (CR2/NEF/SR2, etc.) and edited images (peg/jpg), will be disqualified if not followed.

  4. Do not include your credentials (Name, Watermark, Date, etc.) in the frame of the photograph. Such photos will be disqualified.

  5. A theme will be announced, there must be one photograph in each of the following categories based on the theme: full body shot, head shot, candid shot, lifestyle shot, environmental shot. Silhouette shots with the subject not clearly visible are not permitted.

  6. Vulgarity and obscenity is not allowed and disqualification will be based on the judge's discretion.

  7. Backdrop or the set of the editorial must not contain any identifying features.

Penalty :

  • The penalty scheme will be as follows (minutes exceeded after the deadline): 0 - 10: 5 points, 10 - 20: 10 points, 20 - 30: 15 points
  • No submission will be accepted after 30 minutes past the deadline.
  • Exceeding the word limit on captions: 5 points
  • Entries without EXIF Data: Disqualification
  • Entries breaching anonymity in any part of submission: Disqualification
  • Entries without valid submission (invalid/incorrect format): Disqualification
  • Entries with local edits/ without Metadata: Disqualification
  • Entries with Plagiarized content: Disqualification
  • Points will be deducted out of 100.

Judging Criteria :

  • Beauty & Personality - 30%
  • Outfit / Costume - 30%
  • Picture Composition - 10%
  • Overall Appearance - 30%

Judges for the Event :

Rupali Timungpi

Rupali Timungpi