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Fashion Show (70)

Genre : Fashion

Description :

Display of clothing and accessories on a runway, showcasing latest designs to a wider audience.

No. of teams per IIT :


No of participants per team :

There should be a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 18 performers in a team. Other than the performers the team is allowed to have a maximum of 8 members of designers, choreographers, makeup artists, narrators, light and backstage members.

Time Limit :

Maximum 15 minutes’ fashion show including stage setup. (Marks will be reduced accordingly for every exceeding minute)

Theme :

Theme will be announced on 1st December, 2023

Rules :

  1. Stunts which pose any risk to life are not permitted. Exceeding the time limit will be strictly penalized.

  2. Using any substance (or prop) that poses danger or might alter the stage in any way for the next team is not allowed (e.g., spilling of liquid that will affect the dryness).

  3. The teams will be expected to restore the stage to its original condition within the set time limit in case any prop or substance that causes temporary changes is used (e.g., in case of spilling powdered substances, the stage will need to be cleaned up by the team).

  4. Live Narration can be done during the performance.

  5. Judging will be done on an overall basis, including costumes, hairstyle, and accessories most important being their relevance to the theme.

  6. Vulgarity is not allowed.

  7. Obscenity will be left to the judge's discretion, and their decision will be final and binding in case any part of the performance is found objectionable.

  8. Track should be submitted in mp3 before 11:59 pm of 20th December, 2023 to

Penalty :

  • 15 - 16: 10 marks
  • 16 - 17: 20 marks
  • After 17 minutes, the music will be stopped along with a penalty of 35 marks.

Judging Criteria :

  • Ramp Walk + Choreography - 35%
  • Costumes - 35%
  • Theme Relevance - 15%
  • Stage Presence and Overall Impact - 15%

Auditorium :

Fashion Show

Fashion will take place in Kalidas Auditorium. The dimensions (in metres) for the same are as mentioned above.

Judges for the Event :

Abhisek Roy

Abhisek Roy

Rupali Timungpi

Rupali Timungpi