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Online Photostory (40)

Genre : Digital Arts

Description :

An online photo-story is a digital narrative using photos and caption to tell a story or convey information in a visually engaging way.

Number of Submissons per IIT :

1 photo-story

Photo-limit :


No. of participants per IIT :

1 team with no limit on no. of people

Theme :

Will be announced on 1st December, 2023.

Submission Deadline :

24th December 2023, 11:59pm IST

Rules :

  1. Camera Resolution should be at least 3.2 megapixels.

  2. All photographs must be clicked after the theme is announced.

  3. All entries should be submitted via <>.

  4. Participants have to add captions to their entries. A maximum of can be used including the title. Captions should be 50 words written in a Word/PDF file and submitted with photographs. Any text accompanying the photograph (including the title) would be considered under the caption. Individual photo captions are not allowed. Exceeding the limit would lead to a penalty of 5 points.

  5. Photographs must contain EXIF data and hence the date. Entries without EXIF data will be disqualified.

  6. Include all Metadeta including edit history while exporting the image. Images without Metadata would be disqualified.

  7. Anonymity of the participating IIT, participant, club/society, etc. must be strictly maintained in the photographs' frame, EXIF data, and Word/PDF file containing captions. Violation will lead to disqualification.

  8. Photographs should not contain any objectionable content, if found, the judge’s consent will disqualify entry.

  9. Only global editing is allowed. Entries with local editing will be disqualified. For global editing/ local editing refer:

  10. Any sign of plagiarism would lead to disqualification.

Penalty :

  • The penalty scheme will be as follows (minutes exceeded after the deadline): 0 - 10: 5 points, 10 - 20: 10 points, 20 - 30: 15 points
  • No submission will be accepted after 30 minutes past the deadline.
  • Exceeding the word limit on captions: 5 points
  • Entries without EXIF Data: Disqualification
  • Entries breaching anonymity in any part of submission: Disqualification
  • Entries without valid submission (invalid/incorrect format): Disqualification
  • Entries with local edits/ without Metadata: Disqualification
  • Entries with Plagiarized content: Disqualification
  • Points will be deducted out of 100.

Judging Criteria :

  • Relevance to Theme - 25%
  • Story Depiction - 25%
  • Compositiong - 20%
  • Technical Accuracy - 20%
  • Creativity and Uniqueness - 10%

Judges for the Event :

Sammya Brata Mullick

Sammya Brata Mullick