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Mixology (30)

Genre : Culinary Arts

Description :

A mocktail making competition. Participants will be provided with a three-color palette and a theme. They will be required to prepare three different drinks adhering to the color combinations and theme. The color combinations and theme will be chosen via a lucky draw.

No. of teams per IIT :


No of participants per team :


Time Limit :

1 hours

Rules :

  1. Each team is required to prep, cook, and plate three mock tails in 45 minutes.

  2. The challenge requires team members to plan and submit their final conceptualized drinks in the first 15 minutes of the competition.

  3. A whistle will be blown after 15 minutes, indicating the members to begin preparing their drinks.

  4. Every team will choose three colors and a theme 15 minutes prior to the competition via a lucky draw.

  5. A common ingredient list will be provided a month before the event which will comprise of basic ingredients required for the event.

  6. Every team can suggest one extra ingredient to be added to the list - which will be made available for everyone. It can be mailed to an email ID which would be provided later. The ingredient must be raw material.

  7. Participants will be given 15 minutes to browse through the ingredients before the competition.

  8. This will be an induction-stove based cooking event. Each team will be provided with one stove.

Penalty :

  • Exceeding the time limit will cause deduction of 5 marks per minute.
  • Use of any personal ingredient will result in disqualification.
  • Significant deviation from the conceptualized drinks in the presented drinks will call for disqualification.

Judging Criteria :

  • Taste - 30%
  • Presentation - 20%
  • Adherence to Theme - 20%
  • Creativity and Skill - 30%

Judges for the Event :

Ishika Konar

Ishika Konar

Shailendra Kekade

Shailendra Kekade